But which Sewing Machine is the right machine for you?

I am asked this question so many times so I thought I’d put pen to paper so you can have a good think about it. We are of course talking about the fabulous Elna range of 550, 560 and 570. I often present all three of these machines together on air just so that you can see what you get with each one. All 3 are the same machine, the same styling, the same body type, the same motor, the same Elna quality but obviously as the number and the price go up you receive just that little bit more. I always say you should buy a machine that you will grow into and not one that with be surplus to requirements within month.

So let me start by telling you what you get with all 3 designs. A Hard case, extension table, top loading bobbin, needle threader, feed dogs that can be dropped, reverse button, needle up/down facility, start stop button , go faster go slower slide and 15 needle positions. Feet wise with all 3 you get standard/satin stitch/overedge/zipper/quarter inch seam/buttonhole foot. I would not say that this is a machine you buy if you have never sewn before. Elna have more affordable choices if you are an absolute beginner but if you know you can sew and you want to begin expanding your sewing horizons this is the way to go

550. The most affordable of the range. It has 50 in built stitches including 3 buttonholes but I need to point out it has no memory button or indeed an automatic thread cutter. This sells here at Sewing Street for £529

560 has 100 inbuilt stitches including 7 buttonholes. It does have a memory and an automatic thread cutter, this sells here at Sewing Street for £619

Love John x